It is very difficult and challenging for carers to respect the choices of the people they look after while trying to also protect them from harm. For example, a service user who wants to go to the garden while it is raining. In this case the carer has to prevent the individual from going out for their own good and at the same time respect their right of choice, “except if they have been mentally assessed and deemed unable to make their decisions, or if they are subject to a deprivation of liberty safeguard. Another example would be stopping the individuals from going into the kitchen because it is not safe for them. In these situations, best practice is to consult legal advice and base decisions on the latest research and evidence about how best to provide care without compromising an individual’s rights”. 2.2) Conflicts may arise due to individual differences and expectations. There are various ways in which we can deal with conflict in order to achieve positive outcomes for the people we support and ourselves. Firstly you need to be a good and active listener, make sure you are attentive to what they are saying and make them feel their opinions matter. Make sure you write down just what they said and how they said it. Do not be quick to judge without getting all the facts right.Be friendly, open and approachable, this will create a friendly atmosphere and as such it will help resolve conflicts easily. Moreover, we should avoid assigning blame and learn to take …show more content…
The Care Act 2014 – Local authorities must have clear complaints procedures and individuals have the right to complain about decisions made by the local authority relating to their care. • Care Quality Commission guidance on complaints in the care sector 3.3) • Motivate Employees: individuals will work effectively, productively and on time and do their best to achieve and attain the goals of the company. Builds Trust: It will build trust amongst colleagues, the people we look after and the managers. Empowering employees will build trust with their managers to trust them with more tasks and leadership because they believe and trust the work will be done effectively and smoothly. Creative: Employers who empower their employees encourage them to be open, relaxed and feel free to share ideas and knowledge they might have acquired that will benefit their colleagues and the company as well. Successful employers who empower their employees always attain and achieve their goals at the end of the year and the working environment is always peaceful and a happy place to commune. 4.1) An adverse event (AE) is any negative medical incident that happens to a service user. B) An incident is an event that occurs, frequently unwelcome or uncommon. For instance, a service user who falls or is given the wrong medication to a