Duty of care means providing care and support for individuals within the law and also within the policies procedures and agree ways of working of your employer, it is about avoiding abuse and injury to individuals, their friends and family and their properties.
People do not have their needs met by others, so you have care of duty to them. This involves doing your job to best of your ability, safe guarding them, respecting their uniqueness and worth as a person, maintaining their dignity, and promoting their independence.
Even if you do not feel powerful in relation to the service user, they are likely to perceive you as having power in the relationship because you are an …show more content…
In order to be an effective professional in this field of work we need to
Understand power imbalances
Understand our role
Apply professional value to practice
Understand how our professional relationships differ from our personal ones, especially those relationships with service users.
Role as health care worker entails working to a shared set value.
These values involve a common understanding of what health care role is and what it means which will be shared by manager, colleagues and other professionals, as well as (hopefully ) society more generally health care role is
Communicate with people
Understand(assess)and meet people’s needs
Respect differences and promote equality and inclusion for people who may otherwise be excluded from accessing resources
Keeping accurate and up-to-date records.
Work in partnership with other agencies
Keep people healthy and safe, maintaining a safe working environment for yourself and for others.
There is a common set of values, and a common agreement of what the role is and is no.
In a professional relationship as health care we can be friendly with a service user but we are not a service user’s friend .Working with in professional boundaries keeps us focussed on the work we are doing with service user. Without boundaries we may overstep our duties and work outside of safe practice. if It could indicate poor boundaries valuable gifts are exchanged between worker and service user
A worker and service user call each other friends and interact outside of the working environment.
A worker shares personal information with service …show more content…
Without Professional boundaries as a health care we may not provide appropriate service to service user, poor boundaries often work outside of set policies and procedures which leaves them open to allegations and without the support of their employer.
AS a health care worker there’s be a procedure in place this is because there either
Has to be a set of way of doing something ( example for legal reasons)
This is felt to be or has been shown by evidence to be the best way of achieving task.
Health care’s duty of care mean that we have to follow procedures to keep people safe and ensure their needs are met.
If policy or procedure do not reflect actual practices in our work setting , part of care means that we either have to change our practice and follow procedure more closely or that we alert manager that the procedure may need to be changed or improved
Duty of care is to respect the service user as individual and minimise risk to service users. In our role we have duty of care to raise any concern we may have about any aspect of our work these can range from inadequate working conditions, poor equipment, poor practise by other staff to raising concern about potential abuse cases and situations of neglect.
It is our duty as health care to safe guard individual from harm any concern of abuse should be reported ,it could include evidence or suspicions of bad practise by colleagues and managers or other individuals or family and friends.
If we do not work in this way , we could be considered negligent or incompetent .If we are in any doubt at any time, we must discus any issues we have with our supervisor or manager.
We must attend our mandatory training to keep us
During work we may find our self in situations where the individuals we are supporting do not agree with what we believe is best for them.
It is duty of care to make sure the individual is aware of the consequences of their choice and that they have the mental capacity to understand the risk involved in their choice it is their right rights to be able to make informed choice about their own lives even if we disagree with their choice.
It is every individual right to make choices and take risks in our duty of care it is our role to assist them making those choices and reducing the risks without compromising their rights. An individual may be restricted if
People who receive care and support consider to be at risk, the law require assessment to be carried out to look at any possible risk there might be to individuals , the assessment is not carried out to remove individual right to take risk .The aim of this assessment is to recognise the risk and to reduce to an acceptable and manageable level .
If individual insist on doing something that we disagree we can only advice we cannot force them.
If the individual is lacking capacity to make decision we need professional support to determine if individual dose lack of capacity
Comments and complain can be made by individual service users ,workers, carers, family members ,or anyone who feels there is something wrong and it needs to be addressed ,many service users do not know how to report the complaints therefore every employer should have complain procedure in place which we can follow .
This will enable people to express their displeasure of service. If any individual have complaint our aim as a health care is to ensure them that every complaint is dealt with and every complaints should be taken seriously and dealt with promptly and fully
Give any patient and/or family member with a complaint an opportunity to document it. Create a simple form that contains the patient's name and date of the complaint, the patient's statement of the problem, the staff member's statement or response, a description of the action taken, and the staff member's signature with a date.
The form both assures patients that their complaints are taken seriously and provides documentation that can help forestall potential problems and educate staff on how to prevent future similar complaints. Comment and complaints are really important we learn how people perceive the support and service we provide .This enables us to make improvement to the overall quality which leads to better outcomes for the individuals we work with .
Main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints are that service users are provided with better service and it helps to improve the areas that can be improved upon. If it is handled well it can lead to great improvement and benefit for everyone involved.