Understanding Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
Intellectual disability, autism, severe disabilities, and deaf and blindness, all these are different disabilities that fall under the umbrella of Special Education. As a special educator it is very critical for one to learn about all the different disabilities, to know about the causes and the characteristics. Students with disabilities are evaluated by their school to determine if they are eligible for special education services or not. If they are eligible, then the school determines what services the student will receive. Understanding Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
This paper is about the definitions, characteristics, and causes of intellectual disability, traumatic brain injury, autism, severe disabilities, and deaf-blindness. Intellectual disability is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in skills such as communication, taking care of him or herself, and social skills. These limitations will cause a child to learn and develop more slowly than a typical child. Children with intellectual disabilities (sometimes called cognitive disabilities or mental retardation) may take longer to learn to speak, walk, and to take care of their personal needs. They are also likely to have trouble learning in school. They can learn but it takes them much longer.
There are many cause of intellectual disability, to name a few:
• Problems during pregnancy, if a baby does not develop fully in the mother’s womb, it can cause intellectual disability.
• A woman who drinks alcohol or gets an infection like rubella during pregnancy may have a baby with intellectual disability.
• Problems at birth, if a baby does not get get enough oxygen, that many cause intellectually disability.
• Health problems, if the pregnant woman has health problems like whooping cough, measles, or meningitis,