Can Factory List Disclosure Improve Labor Practices in the Apparel Industry?: A Case Study of Nike and Levi-Strauss
David J. Doorey SAS-HR2008-01-Doorey
Can Factory List Disclosure Improve Labor Practices in the Apparel Industry?: A Case Study of Nike and Levi-Strauss1
David J. Doorey* York University 4700 Keele Street Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
* Assistant Professor, York University, Toronto. This research is generously supported by a Research Fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Helena Orton Memorial Fellowship of Osgoode Hall Law School. This paper was presented at the CRIMT Conference, “What Policies for a Global Era?”, HEC Montreal, 2007.
This paper draws on interviews with Michael Kobori, Vice President Corporate Code of Conduct, LeviStrauss at his office in San Francisco in 2006 and Caitlin Morris, Director of Engagement and Integration, Labor Compliance Department, Nike, at Nike’s Headquarters’ in Beaverton, Oregon in 2006, as well as discussions and/or e-mail communications with: Neil Kearney, General Secretary, International Textile, Garment, and Leather Workers’ Federation in Toronto, 2006; Bob Jeffcott and Lynda Yanz of the Maquila Solidarity Network, in Toronto, 2005 and 2006; Harvey Chan, Director, Ethical Sourcing, Mountain Equipment Co-op, in Toronto, 2007; and Patrick Neyts, VECTRA International, in Toronto, 2007.
Information disclosure regulation is experiencing a renaissance. This development parallels, indeed is part of, a more general interest in so-called “post modern” regulatory approaches to governance that concentrate on the role of the state and regulation as a facilitator of the development of normative standards of conduct by private actors. regulation, or “new governance” and “third way” Appearing under regulation, these monikers such as “responsive”, “reflexive”, “out-sourced” and “decentered” approaches to