Kelsey Muehlbauer
Essay Question Two
Intro to Criminal Justice
The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) a statistical reporting program run by the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) division. The UCR Program publishes Crime in the United States, which provides an annual summation of the incidence and rate of reported crimes throughout the United States. This is important crime data that comes from the UCR and is published annually by the FBI. Crime statistics shows an overview of criminal activity.
The UCR program was based on the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) which started around the 1920’s. It was meant to create crime statistics that could be analyzed. In 1930 congress authorized the U.S attorney general to survey crime in America, and the FBI was in charge of the program. There were seven specific crimes that were involved in the reporting’s they were: murder, and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, burglary, aggravated assault, larceny and moto vehicle theft. This was all done through a monthly report. The first report was in January of 1930 and it involved 400 cities thought the United States and involving 20 million people. …show more content…
The FBI was in charge of data clearing, organizing, collecting, and dispersing the information that was submitted by local, state, federal and tribal law enforcement agencies.
The UCR was a primary tool that collected and looked over data. There were many meetings in the 1980s to figure out what needed to be changed and them make the necessary changes. That is when the Blueprint for the Future of the UCR program was created. It said that the report should be divided into two categories which part one would include more serious crimes and the other report for more commonly reported crime. Then in 2003 UCR information was brought together from 16,000 agencies’ which represented about 93 percent of the
NIBRS stands for incident-based reporting system which involves agencies to collect data on crime that occurs. NIBRS data comes from local, state, and federal records. NIBRS collect data within 22 offense that happen which makes up to 46 specific crimes which they refer to as the Group A offenses. Each offense that happens is reported. There are also 11 group B offense categories which only arrest data get reported for those.
The NIBRS collects information about crimes committed using a computer; the Summary system does not. The NIBRS collects more comprehensive data about drug offenses than the Summary system. In some reporting the Hierarchy Rule takes in effect when it comes to multiple offenses. If more than one crime was committed by the same person then the highest crime is reported. Agencies do not use the Hierarchy Rule in NIBRS. If more than one crime was committed by the same person then all of the crimes are reported as offenses within the same incident. The Summary reporting system has two crime categories which are Crimes against person which is murder, rape, and aggravated assault. Then there is Crimes against property which is robbery, burglary, and larceny-theft. In the NIBRS, there was a third category added which is crimes against Society which includes drugs or narcotic offenses.
Today there are reports made from Crime in the United States, National Incident-Based Reporting System, Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, and Hate Crime Statistics. These are received from over 18,000 city, universities, county, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies participate in the program. The crimes are brought through either the state UCR Program or directly to the FBI’s UCR Program. The FBI is trying to redesign and redevelop the system that supports the UCR Program. For that reason the FBI created the UCR Redevelopment Projects (UCRRP)
As you can tell the UCR program is something that is very important when it comes to crime reporting’s. It shows how crimes have changed from year to year whether more crimes are committed one year vs. another or if there are specific crimes happening in streaks. Either way these reports are really good information and in a way help law enforcement be prepared for anything to come up. Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY Schmallerger, F. (2014). Criminal Justice: A Brief Introduction. PEARSON.