Unilever Bangladesh is a leading Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company with a heritage of over 48 years.
Unilever started its onshore operations in Bangladesh in 1964 when its soap factory was set up at Chittagong.
Unilever Bangladesh is market leader in 7 of the 8 categories it operates in, with 16 brands spanning across Home and Personal Care and Foods.
Unilever Bangladesh’s operation provides employment to over 10,000 people directly and indirectly through its dedicated suppliers, distributors and service providers.
99.8% of Unilever Bangladesh employees are locals. We also have a large number of Company employees working abroad in other Unilever companies as expatriates.
Executive Summary
Unilever Limited is one of largest multinational business firm in the world. Over the last four decades, Unilever Bangladesh has been constantly bringing new and world-class products for the Bangladeshi people to remove the daily drudgery of life. Over 90% of the country’s households use one or more of our products. It provides sixteen verities brands and try to mitigate all types of human demand by introducing with new innovative products.
Unilever Operations in Bangladesh provide employment to over 10,000 people directly and through its dedicated suppliers, distributors and service providers. 99.5% of UBL employees are locals and they have equal number of Bangladeshis working abroad in other Unilever companies as expatriates. Unilever wants to attract the best graduates to join in their leadership actions. This report enlightens what type of recruitment opportunities offered by Unilever Bangladesh Limited for university students and how the students can access that opportunity.
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