As practitioners we need to make sure we work together. This will have a positive impact on the children’s/young people’s health, development and learning. In order to achieve the best for children/young people the 5 possible outcomes need to be put in to action. The Every Child Matters is a part of the government framework in England which states these. The outcomes state that practitioners should be working together to offer the best for children/young people. In order to improve outcomes for children’s developments and learning different professionals are needed to work together. Sometimes certain records/observations may need to be shared with a professional people. This could be social services which A child’s records would need to be passed on or a speech therapist which A child’s observations would need to be passed on. The EYFS is very important in a child’s development. There are 4 important themes put into which need to be put into practice. We need to make sure that the practice is inclusive. Inclusive practice is very important n the EYFS as this means all children’s needs are valued. This means they are able to access the curriculum of the setting they are in. All children in the setting should be accepted and welcomed. This may mean adapting things so every child can be included and join in with everything. This could be using a multi-agency in order for a child with sight impairment to be able to participate as much as everybody else.
1.2- Multi agency working is different services, agencies, professionals and practitioners who work together to provide services for children and parents. Children can gain a lot and get many outcomes if these multi-agencies and families can work together and agree on the same things. It is important that the parents and children are involved in the planning of their achievement as it lets them understand what is will be achieved and knowing they have had an input in this. All the adults