Health and safety in the engineering workplace.
Understanding the key features of health & safety legislation and regulations.
How to write the first assignment for Unit 1. Use this planning sheet to help.
P1. Research and explain the key features of relevant regulations as applied to 2 separate working environments.
Workplace 1: Mondelez UK
Legislation that I want to cover and how it relates to this place of work:
Workplace 2:
Legislation that I want to cover and how it relates to this place of work:
In this first section, explain the key features of the relevant legislation and regulations applicable to each workplace.
P2. Describe the roles and responsibilities of those involved under current H&S legislation and regulations.
For each of the two working environments chosen, discuss the roles and responsibilities of the employer, the employee, the health and safety executive and one other, it says in the specification. The one other, I might recommend, could be an external contractor working on site. We had quite a lot of information on the roles and responsibilities of contractors from Outu Kumpu, so this could be a handy place to start as we know the names and roles of the main staff involved with H&S at SMACC and can explain how these relate to the roles and responsibilities within the company.
M1. Explaining the consequences of not following legislation.
What happens if management do not abide by legislation and regulations when carrying out their roles and responsibilities? Base this on one of the engineering workplaces that you have considered during the assignment. Consider who is culpable in the event of an incident and what the possible consequences could include.
Tips: Anything in bold and underlined can be regarded as a heading or a sub heading in your assignment. Aim to complete this assignment in approximately 2000 words or 4 sides of A4. Use the HSE website for examples and legislation information as required.