Some reasons that children may need to be looked after outside their homes, may include; neglect, abuse, financial difficulties, illness or family breakdowns. The cares that can be given to these children include; adoption, foster care, respite care, emergency care, shared family care and care within a residential setting.
Adoption may be seen as a last resort, as it involves the children being taken out of the home permanently, and being placed with another family. This often happens if numerous attempts have been made to help the child’s biological parents, and they have failed. Meaning it may no longer be safe to leave the child with its parents. By putting the child with an adoptive family, it gives the child the best chance of developing in the way a child should like reaching mile stone, and also for them to live free of harm and abuse.
Foster caring is more common as this involves often only taking the child away on a temporary bases, again to live with another family. Taking the child away temporarily enables services such as social services to work with the parents, to improve aspects such as the living conditions of child the child, in order for the child to eventually return home, if improvements have been made. Social services may be able to work with parents and enable them to overcome problems such as financial difficulties or substance abuse. Before a person can become a foster carer, they must have specialised training, in order for them to deal with children, that may have difficulty and complex problems that may have arisen from their previous living situation or abuse. “Relevant training will be provided as part of our ongoing training programme. All carers will be expected to complete first aid training and encouraged to address learning on basic health and hygiene issues with particular emphasis on health promotion and communicable diseases.” ( 2010)
Supervising social workers should ensure that they pay