An evaluation of your own performance- what you did well/what you could have done better?
Throughout all of the tasks that I took part in, I believe that I performed well in some of them but then in others I could have performed much better. Throughout all of the tasks I believe that I participated as much as possible in order to get the tasks completed, participation was important for the team because of the limited numbers within the team, if I didn’t participate as much as possible then the team may have struggled to complete all of the tasks. I always try to participate as much as possible within all of the tasks, if I don’t then I feel like I have let the team down and could have done better within the task. Another part in which I did well was proposing and developing ideas for the team, when we were given the task I would firstly think to myself about any ideas I may have for the task, then if I believed that one of the ideas was good I would tell the group and find out their opinions on the idea. I was particularly good at developing the ideas of the other team members, when they come up with an idea I would try to think of ways in which It could be improved upon, I believe the team found this helpful because they were struggling to come with more ideas so if I could develop the ideas of the other team members then we would not have to keep up with a lot of new ideas. The final part in which I believe I did well was my communication with the team, throughout all of the tasks I was always talking with the other team members trying to help them through any problems that they were having with their part of the task, communication was key for the whole team so we could understand what each team member was doing and whether they needed help with their part of the task.
On the other hand I did have some weaknesses throughout the tasks, the first weakness of mine was I did not have a lot of confidence in some of the