1. Define one change you would like to make to your self-perception (how you think about yourself). It might be a behavior, a self-fulfilling prophecy, or anything about yourself you would like to alter related to how you think about the person you are.
One change I would like to make about myself would be the way I feel about myself. I feel that no matter how hard I try and how much I work I will never be good enough to pass college. I just feel I am not smart enough. I would like to change the way I think about myself because I will get nowhere feeling that negative way.
2. Where did you place your statement so you could see it every day? What statement did you use? Clearly write the change you want to make. Use strong, affirmative language to motivate yourself, such as “I will start speaking up in class,” or “I will share my opinions in meetings.”
I will start asking more questions if I do not understand what is being taught. I will make a schedule and set times to do nothing but study with no interruptions. I will think positive about myself.
3. Refine your general goal by making sure it is realistic and fair. Write out your refined goal using specific language from the text: “I want to show my two best friends that I am paying attention when they talk to me,” or “I want to make one comment in each meeting of one class this week,” for example, and format in APA.
I want to change my way of thinking about myself and to do this I will open up more in class and participate more even if I am not understanding the work. If I tell the Prof. I do not understand they will be able to help me more. I cannot sit back and wait for the help to come to me I have to ask for it.
4. It is important to place this statement in a place you can see it every day so that you can repeat the message out loud to yourself and use it to encourage the change you desire. Where can you best place this statement?