Applying Pharmacology Principles
Unit outcome(s) addressed in this Assignment:
Explain how the drug affects the body and how the body affects the drug;
Identify undesirable drug effects;
Compare and contrast drug names;
Describe different drug forms;
Understand the use of a drug reference.
Course outcome(s) assessed in this Assignment:
HS140-1: Apply pharmacology principles in healthcare settings.
Complete the monographs below as per the directions by using drug reference sources.
Please be sure to download the file “Writing Center Resources” from Doc Sharing to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written assignments.
Submitting Your Work
Put your responses in a Microsoft® Word® document. Save it in a location and with the proper naming convention: username-CourseName-section-Unit X_Assignment.doc (username is your Kaplan username, section is your course section, X is your Unit number). Submit your Assignment to the Dropbox.
For assistance, refer to the Dropbox Guide in the Academic Tools area of the course.
It is important for Medical Assistants to be able to read a drug reference source and determine relevant information. Please complete this Assignment and submit it to the Dropbox using a drug reference textbook or a reputable online reference site.
Part 1: Drug Monographs
Create ONE table (monograph) per drug name listed below. There are two drug names so you will have a total of 2 monographs. Each monograph is worth 20 points.
Some tips for completing the monograph:
If a category does not apply (such as a medication is not available OTC) please respond “Not applicable”
For dosage forms simply indicate tablets, capsules, IM etc. The specific strengths are not needed.
Cite your reference source in APA format.
You can consult the following websites for some of the information:
Source: Medication guides: United States Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from