Unit 3 LASSI Inventory Assignment
Instructions: Download this document to your computer before filling it out. Save using SAVE AS and add your name to the front removing the phrase “YourName” All of the gray boxes below should be appropriately filled in and the document saved again before submitting to the Unit 3 dropbox.
Complete the Unit 3 LASSI Inventory, making sure to SAVE your results. Follow the guidelines below to rate and evaluate your learning and study strategies based on your computer-generated LASSI score report.
A. Learning & Study Skills Overview: Rate the following skills on a scale of 1-11: Attitude, Motivation, Time Management, Anxiety, Concentration, Information Processing, Selecting the Main Idea, Study Aids, Self-testing, Communications and Test Strategies. #1 would be your highest score and #11 would be your lowest score; make sure to include the name of each skill following each number and the percentile score. (Example: 1. Motivation 90%; 2. Attitude 85%).
1. Attitude 95%
2. Self-Testing 90%
3. Study Aids 90%
4. Information Processing 75%
5. Test Strategies 75%
6. Concentration 70%
7. Time Management 65%
8. Communications 65%
9. Motivation 60%
10. Selecting Main Ideas 55%
11. Anxiety 45%
B. Evaluation: Write a detailed paragraph in which you explain what you learned about yourself as you completed the LASSI Inventory, reviewed your results and rated your skills in the exercise above (minimum ten complete sentences).
From what I learned from my scores above is that I need to improve the skills that I scored low in to be able to succeed in school they consist of how to manage anxiety, selecting main ideas, motivation, communication, time management and concentration these areas really need