Assignment title Concepts of citizenship and diversity
Assessor Annie Foxall/ Alannah Gibbs
Date issued 16th October 2014
Hand in deadline 23rd October 2014
Duration (approx) 8 hours
Qualification covered BTEC Subsidiary/90 Credit Diploma in Public Services
Units covered Unit 3; Citizenship, Diversity and the Public Services
Learning aims covered Learning outcome 1: Understand the meaning and benefits of citizenship and diversity
Scenario You are a trainer for your chosen public service and have been asked by your superiors to put together a report on concepts of citizenship and diversity. The emphasis of the study programme is the importance of citizenship and diversity in the public services, explaining key terminology and concepts. You are also required to assess the benefits of good citizens to both the public services and society in respecting fairness and equality.
Task 1 You are required to produce a report which explains the range of meaning attached to citizenship and diversity.
You need to explain the meanings attached to citizenship and diversity, including definitions, views of citizenship, qualities of good citizens such as dedication and responsibility, composition of the local and national communities (2001 Census) including ethnicity, religion, gender, age, disability. You also need to explain the following terms: racism, racist, institutionalised racism, multiculturalism, ethnocentricity, sexism, heterosexist, homophobia, equal opportunity, equality, prejudice, harassment, victimisation, disability, direct and indirect discrimination.
You need to discuss the key concepts associated with diversity, including integration, tolerance, multiculturalism, rights & responsibilities of individuals and equal opportunities & positive action on inclusion.
You need to show the key benefits of good citizens to the public services and the community, for example, making a positive difference to