Additionally, I would request evidence of efficacy for all proposed changes in an effort to encourage the use of evidence based information across the organization. As such, I would personally utilize research, evidence, and data when making decisions and would communicate such with the rest of the staff. Furthermore, I would identify and train several staff members, such as administrative assistants or health unit coordinators, that could assist in gathering researching, assessing, and compiling best evidence. Lastly, I would research wages for a professional librarian and what they can do to benefit our healthcare organization both in terms of patient safety and financial benefits. If the return on investment (ROI) was favorable, I would propose the hiring if a professional librarian to our board of directors, along with the evidence to support the …show more content…
Honesty the amount of information provided was somewhat overwhelming as I first had to determine which, if any, of the websites are reputable and if I felt they were, I had to read and appraise the articles. Without conducting a true critical appraisal of the research articles, it would be very difficult to determine if the evidence was reputable. As such, not only could the search process be very time-consuming, appraising the evidence, and developing, implementing, and evaluating a change would be and enormous