Outcome 1 Understand what is required for competence in own work role
1. The duties and responsibilities in my work place are. To support service users to meet their basic human needs and to maintain and enhance their quality of life, to participate in the planning, implementation and delivery of life and support plans appropriate to service users individual needs also be effective member of staff. To carry out duties as directed by the shift leader and in accordance with local systems and procedures. Undertake shift leading duties as required. Supporting service user to take any prescribed medicine, to be aware of your own actions and actively promote a positive emotional environment within the home.
2. To protect the right and interested of the service user, unstable and maintain trust and confidently of the service user. Promote the independence of the service user as while as protecting them from harm. Respects the right of the service.
Outcome 2 Be able to reflect on practice
1. Reflective practice is a process by which you: stop and think about your practice, consciously analyse your decision making and draw on theory and relate it to what you do in practice. Critical analysis and evaluation refocuses your thinking on your existing knowledge and helps generate new knowledge and ideas. As a result, you may modify your actions, behaviour, treatments and learning needs. Make time to write down your reflections, as this process often helps clarify thoughts. This will also give you some written evidence to share with others at a later date. If you need help doing this, read on. Reflective practice is importance for improving the quality of service because you can look back and seen what went right and what went wrong and then you could pass on the good thing to other staff members or if something went wrong you could ask