If we have complaint against the individual practitioners then, we can make a formal complaint to their respective regulatory body. For instance, the regulatory body for nurses and midwives is Nursing and Midwifery council (NMC) and for the doctors is General Medical Council (GMC). If the complaints are proved, the professional body can caution, impose conditions, suspend as well as strike that individual.
After we made our complaints, there will be investigations regarding it and if the problems are detected then, necessary action will be …show more content…
Below are some organisations which can help and support while making complaints about the dissatisfaction in health and social care sector. We can be considered to take our concerns to these organizations, if our complaints are not addressed by internal management.
1. Local Safeguarding Adults Board
If anyone is abused or, is likely to be abused or, we are suspicious of abuse or neglect then; we can report to Local safeguarding adults’ board through call, email, online or text. This board is responsible for formulating policies and procedures related to safeguarding adults. It aims to identify and protect the people suffering from any type of abuse. After the report of abuse, it will initiate safeguarding enquiry and investigate the case. It will then work with various other agencies and professionals to formulate the plans in safeguarding the concerned adult.
2. Local Age UK
If a person with full mental capacity is abused but he/ she does not want to report the abuse, in that case we can contact local Age UK or Action on Elder abuse helpline. We can get free help and advice on our next steps, which are kept