Author: Liz Oram
Kent County Council
16th December 2011
Executive Summary …………………Page 3
Introduction …………………………..Page 3
Section 1………………………………Page 3
Section 2………………………………Page 5
Section 3………………………………Page 7
Section 4………………………………Page 10
Conclusion…………………………….Page 12
Recommendation……………………..Page 12
Bibliography……………………………Page 13
Appendices…………………………….Page 14
Executive Summary
This report will explore personal development as a manager and leader within the Authors role of a senior support worker. The report covers four areas. Section 1 will show the importance of assessing and planning for personal professional development. Section 2 will show the need to plan for resources required to achieve personal professional development. Section 3 covers importance of evaluation and review of the personal professional development. Section 4 focuses of the importance of staff health and safety and welfare.
The Author of this report is a senior support worker for Lifechoice, part of KCC’s In-house provision for Adults with a Learning Disability. The Author has worked for Kent County Council (KCC) for 22 years. This report has been written as part of the requirement of the Level 5 Diploma Study; it has been completed using research and workshops. The report focuses on personal development as a manager and leader, including planning a Personal Development Plan, resourcing, evaluation and support.
Section 1
Assessing and Planning for professional Development
Professional development is vital as it is the means by which the organisational objectives are met through individuals’ actions. The organisational aims and objectives are set out each year in
Bibliography: Armstrong, M. (2009 2nd Edition) Armstrong’s Handbook of management and leadership – a guide to managing for results, London, Kogan Page Department of Health, 2001, Health and Social Care Act 2008, Available at Health & safety Executive, 2011,–Looking after your People, Available at: Knet, 2011, Retention of records, Available at http://knet2/staff-zone/pay-and-pensions/rewarding-staff/total-contribution-pay-and-appraisal/appraisal-guidance, 2011, data protection Act 1998, Available at