The number of diseases imaging every day are so many that for personal income to cover for the expenses is a little challenging. Health cares both in the private and in public sector faces the challenges of the medical care facilitators including drugs and the medical equipment for example the diseases scanning machines and other medical equipment. The patients on the other hand without the cash at hand, accessing these kinds of equipment become a little challenging escalating the death cases. Therefore, the importance of the universal and the single system types of insurance care. The purpose of this paper is to help comprehend by comparing and contrasting the best …show more content…
The services in this instance are the kind of treatment the client get is based on the kind of cover they have. Universal and single payer health care systems are different in terms of services offered to their clients. The single payer system getting there income from the taxes collected monthly from the citizen, they offer equal and standard medical cover to the clients despites the differences in the classes of people or the diseases. However, with the universal type of health care insurance, there are defend package for different individual determined by three critical dimensions, to whom the cover is offered to, the kind of services the insurance cover is expected to cover, and finally the cost the insurance is expected to cover. How this works is, the insurance cover gives a series of questions to the insurance applicant to understand the medical background of the family. This way in case the insurance organization learns of a person with a family history of for example diabetes, they will have a more expensive cover that people with minor diseases history. Therefore, unlike the single payer where all clients get the same treatment despite the age gender or the history of diseases in the family, with the universal health care, the clients only purchase the insurance cover they can afford. However with types of medical care the services …show more content…
The services offered by this type of health care although good, it is offered to clients based on the financial capability of the client. The single payer on the other hand is a flat services provider to its client; the provider in this case is usually the government. This type of insurances services although consumes much in the country’s economy but provides a good services to the clients. It is also cheap ensuring that the citizens not only get good health care but also not run poverty while getting it. In general, it would be an interesting competition in terms of best medical services provided by these two types of health care insurance if existed simultaneously in one country. However, the amount charged in the process also matter, despite the best services provided by the universal health care services. Most people although would prefer that good medical care, but none of them wants to spend all there income in there medical cover. The poverty level is escalating and people need more for less making the single payer type of insurances the best choices for many countries because of its