Unit: Genre and Context in Fiction
This activity will help you meet these educational goals:
You will initiate and participate effectively in a collaborative discussion with diverse partners on grade 10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing your own ideas clearly and persuasively.
In this activity, you will build on your previous readings and analysis of Franz Kafka's The
Metamorphosis to compare the situation in the story to real-life experiences. You will then prepare for and engage in group discussions to explore this comparison further.
Before you start the activity, you might want to review The Metamorphosis, keeping the following questions in mind:
• What are the themes of the story? Which theme did you think was the most important in the story?
• What conflicts drive the plot, and how are they resolved?
• How does the protagonist change as the story progresses? How do the other characters change? __________________________________________________________________________
Directions and Analysis
Task 1: Preparing for the Group Discussion
In this task, you will compare the situation faced by Gregor Samsa, the protagonist of Kafka's
The Metamorphosis, with a real-life situation in which someone has experienced comparable isolation and difficult personal, moral, and social experiences.
In The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa transforms suddenly, without any apparent reason, into a large insect. His transformation ends his ability to express his thoughts in words, and his family eventually stops viewing him as a family member. Gregor is isolated from the world outside his room and home. Though Gregor's transformation is absurd and physically impossible, the story explores the consequences of that transformation in a realistic and understandable manner, emphasizing the effects of his isolation.
a. Select a real-life situation in which a person may face difficult isolation, as Gregor does after turning into an