Since 1985, Urban Dreams has been providing Des Moines’ inner city and Central Iowa with a wide range of human service programs in a comfortable and non-threatening environment. Just as the problems that plague the inner city continue to evolve, Urban Dreams continues to change to meet them.
Urban Dreams offers programs that are in tune to the unique issues affecting Polk County’s economically depressed areas. Programs including information and referral and ex-offender support have been just two of the services that Urban Dreams offers at no cost. Urban Dreams is also a state licensed substance abuse and mental health treatment facility. In addition, Urban …show more content…
However, it is difficult to understand and then create, the best, efficient, and effective methods to address poverty and other issues that plague the poor and underserved in Des Moines.
Urban Dreams would like for the GDLI class to complete a compressive needs assessment of the community (within 2 miles of Urban Dreams), then develop a marketing/public relations plan to demonstrate how Urban Dreams is currently addressing those issues. In addition to showing how Urban Dreams is currently addressing some needs revealed from the needs assessment, with assistance from the GDLI, Urban Dreams would like to develop a template to aid in creating collaborative initiatives that will address the issues that are not being addressed successfully.
We would hope that the marketing/PR campaign would include flyers, videos, and other collateral materials that would purvey our message clearly, concisely, and in an esthetically pleasing