A city consists of many great communities, all connected and dependent on each other. City Managers are most effective when they take a big picture holistic view of the entire city. Operating based on a wide-angle multilayered perspective helps the manager appreciate the many unique and different neighborhoods that make up a city. Equally important, a broad perspective also helps expose the health, or lack thereof, of those same unique communities.
As a result of developing an informed perspective, City Managers are able to design programs and services to sustain community excellence and address its weaknesses. The following groupings, while not an exhaustive list, serve to introduce the intricate and rich tapestry of unique community building blocks that each city enjoys.
• People (citizens and residents) are the most important building block for vibrant healthy neighborhoods and cities. The most powerful force to create healthy communities of all types is an involved and engaged person taking ownership for self, family, neighborhood and the community. It is self-directed citizens who choose to be involved, engaged contributors committed to some special cause or wish for the community that builds great cities and neighborhoods.
• The family is the next natural building block. …show more content…
The City of San Diego City Council officially recognizes Community Planning Groups to advise the city on land use issues. For example, Community Planning Groups such as Old Town San Diego, Barrio Logan, and Carmel Valley. In addition, from time-to-time City Councils appoint ad hoc committees to discuss a specific community topic. For instance, to work through a “pro growth-no growth” conflict or to get citizen’s input on a “park design.” Ad hoc groups are usually short term: customarily six months to a year, after which they