Michelle Smith
University of Phoenix
Healthy Communities: Theory and Practice
Robert Roth
April 23, 2012
Windshield Survey
A Windshield Survey was completed for the city of Sandy Lake, a town in Northwestern PA with a population of approximately 13,000 people (Quick Facts Census website, 2012). The purpose of the survey is to identify Meadville’s community health needs. In addition to performing the survey, research was performed online to obtain supplemental demographic data. The research resulted in the following information about Meadville: * The ancestral lineage of the city is the Pennsylvania Dutch, who was descendants of Germany (City of Sandy Lake website, 2012). * The average household income is about $50,000 per year with 24% of the population with an income less than $15, 000 per year (CLR Search website, 2012). * The unemployment rate is 8% and more than 75% of the employment is white-collar jobs (CLR search website, 2012). * Annual average temperature is 49 degrees Fahrenheit with an average precipitation of 42 inches (CLR Search website, 2012). * The average age of residents is 39 years old (CLR Search website, 2012). Prior to beginning the research, the following terms were defined: community, community health, and community as client. Understanding the meaning of these terms is an important part of assessing the health of a community. A Community is a group of people bound by physical boundaries, meaning a geographical location, or by a shared set of values, beliefs, culture, interests, etc. An example of a community with a geographic boundary would be China Town in New York City or an Indian reservation in Arizona. An example of communities who share the same beliefs, culture, and lifestyle regardless of their location would be the Amish community.
According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2008), Community Health is the "meeting of collective needs by identifying problems and managing
References: American Towns website. (2012). http://americantown.com/pa/Sandy Lake City of Sandy Lake website. (2012). http://www.cityofsandylake.org CLR Search webiste. (2012). http://www.clrsearch.com/Lake County Health Rankings website. (2012). http://www.countyhealthrankings.org Gushard, K. (2011, November). Local experts target cancer rates and deaths. Lake Tribune. Retrieved from http://Laketribune.com Healthy People 2020. (2012). http://www.healthypeople.gov Quick Facts Census website. (2012). http://quickfacts.census.gov Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2008). Population-centered health care in the community (7th ed.). Retrieved from University of Phoenix e-Book collection