The macrosystem has to do with the culture of a child, the child's values and customs. This can involve the socioeconomic standing of a child. For example if a child is born into a rich family where everything is given to this child, then the child may grow up having a poor work ethic expecting everything to always be handed to them. The last part of the Ecological Systems Theory is the chronosystem. Bronfenbrenner knew the world is ever-changing so he called this layer "the temporal dimension of his model". A well-known example of this is divorce, and how this is a major life transition. Divorce doesn't only affect the couple's relationship, but their children's behavior as well.
B. Keeping the Ecological Systems Theory in mind, I can think of many childhood and adolescent challenges and stressors I had that correlate well. One of my stressors growing up as a kid was seeing my parents struggle with money and paying the bills, this falls right under the category of the microsystems. Growing up being part of that gave me many negative and fearful feelings of how my parents were going to make it all work. This in turn has formed me into an extremely hard worker, because I don't want to struggle like my parents did. I push myself everyday toward success and making good money to support myself and one day my …show more content…
This system talked about how life is ever-changing and events can take place that may cause a major transition, for me it would be that my parents have recently divorced. I know I'm 22 years old and people would think I would handle it better, but I don't. I understand more of the bad emotions my parents are going through with this and understand more about divorce in general as an adult that I feel sadder for them. Not to forget having to shift normal family activities into a whole new way is very stressful, mainly due to the fear of one parent feeling left out from something that they use to be a part of , but now has to be split.
C. Luckily for me everything I have gone through in life, like the couple of events I mentioned in section B I am very blessed for the support and resources I was given. When it came to my parents struggling with money, my grandparents were a support for me as well as my whole family. The support they showed falls under the exosystem layer. They took a negative situation and made it all better. They helped support us in areas that would have otherwise been lacking, like having groceries. They helped relieve the stress which helped things get back on track for my