This lesson should be taught in a 1st grade class. The students in this class does not have to be English Language Learners, (ELL) for them to benefit from this lesson or to meet state standards. This lesson is a interactive way for the students to learn about the dragonfly and the different things about the dragonfly. The lesson will first be introduced by reading the book
“Are you a Dragonfly?” by Judy Allen. Then after we read the story we will go over the rules vocabulary words we will discuss the definition of each of the words to make sure they know the correct definition of the word to make sure they know the correct definition of the word.
After we review the vocabulary words I will have the class take out their dry erase boards and as a group make a chart about the dragonfly and the body parts of the dragonfly. The reason for making the chart is to help the students learn the body parts of the dragonfly. Reviewing the vocabulary words is also a big help to them learn the words and their meaning. Now that we have reviewed the vocabulary words we will make a chart together as a class. I will have the class take out their dry erase boards and markers and divide it into 4 sections. I will let them know that we are going to make a chart about the dragonfly. Now I will have them sound out and write out the word dragonfly at the top of the chart. Once that is done I will call on a student to spell the word for us and write it on the board. Then I will have them work with a partner and talk about what a dragonfly is. Then they will write on their chart the definition of what the dragonfly is and I will call on one of the students to tell me what they came up with and write it down in the top right hand square of the chart on the board. Then I will have