Beverly Richard
Argosy University
Utilizing employees
The economical issues in today’s world are growing more serious by the day. As a result, it is increasingly important for the hospitals to increase on their hospital staff. This is not a good idea. I think we must start utilizing employees to lessen our impact on economical issues. One way to utilize employees is to make good of their skills. Have you ever seen a typical internal medicine ward at a hospital, for example, might function with only one-third of the doctors on the weekend that it would have on a weekday. Hospital should have doctors as well as nurses to work on weekend at least once or twice a month.
One main reason is when employees aren’t fully using their abilities, they are more likely to quit. Firstly, when employees are underutilized, hospitals suffer because they are not maximizing the results they can obtain from the employees. Management often contributes to the problem by failing to recognize the valuable skills their employees possess; and neglect their other skills. Secondly, as we can see, many hospitals feel that once they have hired doctors they will always be a doctor. They are not given the opportunity to demonstrate their other skills. This is a serious problem because when employees aren’t fully using their skills they are unhappy, and less productive.
It is also clear that utilizing employees skills will be good for the hospital and economical issues. Firstly, as state earlier, I think we must start utilizing employees to lessen our impact on economical issues. For example, increase in productivity lower the cost of goods, which is called a shift in supply. This gives the hospital a better staff of employees. Secondly, it is understandable that health care professionals do not want to work over the weekend, but evidence points to employees are unhappy, less productive. However the economy only considers 1% of employee’s skills.