Purpose 1: Arguments and fight cause physical and internal damage making a commotion, disturbing others and disrupting the reason of a utopia (where there is no good and bad life just is). So, because of this fights and anything that goes farther from a disagreement is unacceptable, for a disagreement is only allowed because it's normal (for it only shows a matter of opinion).
Rule 2: Any form of tardiness and rudeness will not be tolerated for anyone over the age of 6.
Purpose 2: With this rule no child with enough common sense, that you get at about age 6 or 7, will not ever even have the need to feel that they could be disrespectful, rude, or late.
Rule 3: Everyone has to take responsibility for their at any age, but from age 12 (for girls) or age 13 (for boys) consequences would be given if one did not.
Purpose 3: The purpose for this rule, is to give each child opportunity to as a person and to reach the status of an adult.
Rule 4: Everyone has a right to share their opinions, no one may tell you that your opinion is wrong. One can only advise to another their own thoughts.
Purpose 4: This rule would keep every citizen's brains flowing, thinking, and questioning. After a while, this rule will teach others not to b nasty to others about their thoughts.
Rule 5: No currency is allowed.
Purpose 5: The rule of no money will teach the community to rely on themselves as well as bring the community together, and to encourage volunteer work. For example, if one wanted to eat he or she would have to grow or cook the food, and if another was thirsty he would make a river, and everyone could switch off, etc.
Rule 6: No laziness, killing, stealing, or any type of nuisances.
Purpose 6: This rule keeps nuisances and crisis's out of the community, as well as building trust knowing that no one would ever even think of hurting another (security).
Rule 7: Respect and listen to all and never abandon another.
Purpose 7: This rule will help the Utopia society develop listening skills, it will also make helping anyone in need a natural reaction, and will teach all to be respectful.
Rule 8: At dinnertime no one can do anything but eat and speak, there will be no electronics what'-so-ever, as well as a time every 2 days where there is a family gathering.
Purpose 8: Rule number eight, gives all parents, friends, children, and any other relatives a chance to get in touch with each other, and to take a break from their busy lives just to talk.
Rule 9: Only three test are allowed from each school teacher; one in the beginning, one in the middle, and one in the end. Any test score under an 88 is prohibited.
Purpose 9: This rule has a special purpose, and that is to show improvement over time, while never giving the student a headache nor the feeling of overwhelming.
Rule 10: Every citizen in this community would have to follow all the rules above in order to survive as an Utopian society, for consequences would be severe. Plus, no rule can be erased but one can be added to make it better. A rule may only be added by the government's leader and with discussion from the rest o the government and ¾'s of the community's agreement.
Purpose 10: The purpose of this last rules to insure the importance of the rules 1-9, and to ensure fair rules to all.
1st time= warning
2nd time=second warning, note put on your permanent record, note home
3rd time=a 2,000 word apology letter, parents notified, suspension
4th time=volunteer work for half a year, lowered grade on end of the year marking period (very important), plus all the consequences above.
5th time=choice of 3 years of volunteer work or being kicked out of the community or sent to trial to figure if guilty or not (if guilty, that person will be kicked out of the community), public humiliation, plus all of the consequences above (very rare).
6th time= KICKED OUT OF THE COMMUNITY, no exceptions!