Also an example of how a VPK age child could improve their balance is by putting long tape lines with different widths arranging from thickest to slimiest have the children start with the thickest piece of tape and try and balance on the line and then keep going all the way to the slimiest line. Another one of the eight domains of development is Approaches to Learning. The approaches to learning is how children learn, some children are open and exited to try and experience new things while other children might need a little bit more of a push or encourage for them to try new things. Those children that need a push to try new things are also the children who like more structured activities. An example that was found on the (Florida Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program: What I Learned in VPK! The teacher’s guide) “Ask questions that will encourage children to think, wonder, and ask more questions. Use open-ended questions that begin with who, what, when, where, why, or how, and that cannot be answered with just “yes” or “no.””. In addition to the example that was just given more examples are having puzzles, sorting beads, …show more content…
On the Ability Path website it mentions that visual learners learn best through what they observe, such the facial expression and body language. Visual learners learn best through demonstrations rather than just being given directions, because visual learners learn best through demonstration too much movement in the classroom could be a distraction in the classroom. Most visual learners tend to have very active imaginations, and think in pictures. An example of a math activity could be counting with M&M’s, counting M&M’s and being able to move each M&M as they count each one will help them to count without getting confused. An auditory learner, learns best through listening and through what they hear. Unlike visual learners who need instructions to be demonstrated, auditory learners prefer their instructions to be verbal and well explained. Also, too much noise could be a distraction in a classroom for a visual learner. Auditory learners tend to concentrate better when they have soft music playing in the background. A kinesthetic learner tends to learn best through movement and activities. Kinesthetic learners have trouble staying in one place for long periods of time because they learn by exploring and doing things independently. The importance of knowing the different types of learning is so each child can be