September 19, 2011
Deborah Wilkinson
Vajrayana Buddhism Vajrayana tradition of Buddhism is called the Diamond Vehicle. This third branch of Buddhism teaches that strength, clarity, wisdom, and flashes of light; here Vajrayana allows followers to receive such enlightenment through this vehicle of the lightning bolt. Those who practice this type of Buddhism find its complexities to be quite clear as the encounter truths of Buddha along the way of life events. Serenity and peace are experienced as they align themselves with revelations of Vajrayanan. What are mudras, and why are objects important? Why is meditation the very foundation to discovering the truths of Vajrayana, and Buddha’s influence. Allow the next few paragraphs to describe in detail these teachings and traditions as Buddha Vajrayana unfolds as one of the world’s oldest and significant religions.
Meditation Meditation in Vajrayana Buddhism is different from other branches of Buddhism. It is known as the Vajrayana Sadhana. It is the means by which one can achieve, attain, or establish the experience of the sacred universe also known as enlightenment (Santina, 1997). Vajrayana meditation is both method and goal, depending on one’s place along the path to enlightenment. By practicing Vajrayana meditation, one can experience an enlightened mind or wisdom Mind. It is a state of being. Vajrayana uses ritual objects, images, mandalas, mantras (Sanskrit words), mudras (hand gestures), and visualization exercises (Molloy, 2010). The Vajrayana sits quietly and imagines his favorite deity. He continues doing this imagery for the duration of the meditation. Other forms of meditation performed by the Vajrayana may involve the moon, clouds, or even water. The Vajrayana mentally create an image of a lotus, moon disc, written Sanskrit syllable, an altar of deities, colors or rays of light, usually in a certain order and if at any time their
References: Molloy, M. (2010). Experiencing the world’s religions: Tradition, challenge, and change (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Santina, P. D. (1997). Vajrayana Buddhism in practice. Retrieved from TIbetan Prayer Wheels. (2011, September 16). Home: TIbetan Prayer Wheels. Retrieved September 16, 2011, from TIbetan Prayer Wheels: Westlake, G. (2008). Reiki and Mudra Meditation. (cover story). Reiki News, 7(2), 32-37. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.