Appendix A
Meditation Worksheet
Directions: Locate two resources on the Internet that explain meditation techniques. Copy and paste the Web address into the top of the matrix. After reviewing the Web site, provide a brief summary for each source. Below your summary, list two interesting facts you learned from each site. Try the techniques you located in your Internet search. Provide a brief description of what happened in your experience.
Be sure to answer the two questions below the matrix also.
|Web Address | | |
|(URL): | | |
| |Health and yoga teaches you the various styles of meditation, and give a full explanation of how the |Meditation society tells you what meditation is and walks you through |
| |different styles work. The ultimate goal is to reach full relaxation and to let everything in your mind go |the fours steps of meditation and explains in detail what happens when |
| |except the one thing that you are focusing on. |you are meditating. |
| | | |
|Summary of | | |
|resource: | | |
| |I never knew what real meditation was and that there were so many styles of meditation. |I now know what meditation is, and the four steps of meditation. |
| | | |
| |2. Meditation is universal. Many cultures use meditation. We are all different, but can seem to come |I always thought that you relax your mind when you sleep and I find it |
|Two interesting |together thru meditation. |interesting that you can relax and relieve your mind thru meditation. It|
|Facts: | |is a healthy way to relieve stress. |
| | | |
| | | |
| |I felt odd when I first attempted to meditate, maybe because it is not something I have tried, but after |I believe this would be a great way for me to relieve stress. It is |
| |really trying and doing the steps I felt calm and relaxed. I felt refreshed. |calming and very relaxing, and I seem to have very pleasant thoughts |
|What happened | |when meditating. Not thoughts of work, kids, school, and bills. |
|after you tried | | |
|each technique? | | |
1. Do you think meditation leads to heightened sensation and perception? Explain why or why not. I do believe that meditation can lead to heightened sensation and perception, when meditating you are focusing and your energy is building on that sensation, so if you are building on a certain sensation, then your perception would have to heightened, also. For example if you are meditating on a certain food. The next time you eat that food your perception is going to be different from the first time you ate the food. It is a mind thing, and I can see where meditation can be very powerful.
2. Have you considered integrating meditation into your own lifestyle? If so, list one strategy for fitting meditation into your schedule. If not, explain why. After doing this paper and this exercise I would love to incorporate meditation into my lifestyle. My only problem is my time management is already at its worst. I am having a hard time keeping up with work, kids, and school. So finding the time to meditate is what is stopping me at this point and time.