September 11th, 2014
Vandalism of Shalom
Vandalism of Shalom, a chapter out of the book Not the Way It’s Supposed to be: A Breviary of Sin, by Cornelius Plantinga Jr. explains what shalom mean’s to him and how he see’s it. Cornelius talks about sin throughout the chapter, and shows/tells situations people experience that involves sin on a day-to-day basis. He also talks about what sin is to him and how it has evolved in the last few decades. Shalom is a Hebrew word that means peace, prosperity and completeness. To Cornelius, Shalom is the way things ought to be but also it is described in the Bible as “universal flourishing, wholeness, and delight.” He talks about the prophets and how the dreamt of a time when God would put things right, where people would work in peace, not go to sleep with weapons on their laps and lambs could lie down with the lions, etc. Cornelius then proceeds to talk about the shalomic dreams of the Hebrew prophets and how if they could, stock the world and arrange it to what the Bible believes is good, such as strong marriages and secure children, business associates would rejoice in others promotions, etc.