Different formulas were prepared (F1-F18) using different variables to reach the best formula. Each formula was evaluated to study the pre and post compression parameters. Angle of repose, carr's index and Hausner's ratio as a pre-compression tests for powder flow properties as well as hardness, friability, wetting time, content uniformity and in vitro disintegration time as a post-compression tests for tablet physical properties. Effect of Superdisintegrants Types and Concentrations
The effect of different types and concentrations of the superdisintegrants on the physical properties of Zolmitriptan liquisolid orodispersible tablets …show more content…
This loading factor was decreased to 50% in formula F17 to become 0.175. Formula F18 the loading factor 0.25 was decreased to 100% to become 0.125 .This change in the loading factor was done to study the effect on the physical properties and dissolution behavior of the prepared ODTs of Zolmitriptan.
2.3.10 In Vivo Disintegration Test for the Selected Formula
The time necessary for determination of disintegration time in the oral cavity was calculated from 6 healthy volunteers. All volunteers were told about the purpose of the test. Before performing the test, the mouth cavity was washed with water. The tablet was positioned on the tongue and after that the tongue was quietly moved. The time needed for the elimination of any fragment of the tablet was measured with a stopwatch and recorded as a disintegration time (DT) (97).
2.3.11In vivo pharmacokinetic study in healthy human volunteers