Family-Centered Health Promotion
NRS 429V
April 2013
Vark analysis paper
After taking some time and examining the questionnaire that was completed, it showed a multi-modal learning style. This writer showed a highly aural learning preference coupled visual and kinesthetic learning preference that match exactly. This is great to have and it shows this writer is well prepared to sit in college classrooms and live forums and be able to interact with presenters and others with live discussions. This writer also does very well with others when there are a lot of visual aids and hands on participation. In looking at the summary of this writer’s current positions that the writer holds and participate in, it is very evident that these modes are an active and very present force in this writer’s life. Case in point, this writer participates in safe kid’s coalition. Safe kid’s coalition allows this writer to interact one on one with parents and kids. This writer present’s car seat clinics and show parents how to fit and secure child safety seats in their cars. This is the writer’s kinesthetic side coming out and it shows. The aural side comes out with the writer being the Anoka county safe kid’s chair. This writer participates with others in managing and setting up other safe kids programs in other counties. This writer provides educational safety hand outs to others and also takes in other presentations as well. This writer then uses these ideas in the writer’s presentations as well. This is great. As a RN, this writer is hands on with patient’s everyday as well. This is the writer’s kinesthetic side showing as well.
Now, in order to completely assess and provide this writer some help on their learning style, this will explain some things the writer can do so that all of your VARK assessment scores come in line with each other. The writer said that they prefer to listen and do hands on. The writer also said that they do
References: Fleming, N. (2001-2011). The VARK Questionnaire. Retrieved from The VARK Questionnaire Results Your scores were: * Visual: 10 * Aural: 12 * Read/Write: 9 * Kinesthetic: 10 | | You have a multimodal (VARK) learning preference.