The Vark Questionnaire consists of specific questions that asses an individual’s learning style. VARK stands for visual, aural, read-write and kinesthetic learning preferences ( The questionnaire has 16 questions asking the test taker to choose the answer which best explains their preference. Upon completion of questionnaire, a profile is sent in return describing specific learning preferences and techniques. These results can be used to better enhance ones learning strategies (Alkhasawneh, Mrayyan, Docherty, Alashram, & Yousef, 2008, p. 573). This author took the questionnaire and received a multimodal learning preference determination. …show more content…
It is also said that, “Multimodal learners can be more flexible in taking in the information than learners with a single preference. They are more likely to be able to match their preferences with whatever mode(s) are being used” (Alkhasawneh et al., 2008, p. 578). It is also said that this learner style is difficult for educators because there needs to be at least two or more learning strategies incorporated for the learner to be engaged. This writer scored highest in visual and kinesthetic. This is very accurate. Although at times the other learning strategies work well too. According to the VARK website a visual learner is described as someone who appreciates and learns well from graphs, mapping and using colors to help learn. This learner will recall information from pictures and colors to help trigger memory of content and then apply. Using different colors of paper and folders helps to categorize subject matter and triggers recall. This couldn’t be truer. This also helps in organization of …show more content…
The validity of the VARK learning styles questionnaire and its results are accurate and enlightening to this author. These results will help direct current learning strategies with purpose and intent. There will be a continued awareness of self-assessment and a purposeful effort made towards learning. In the article Prewriting Tasks for Auditory, Visual, and Kinesthetic Learners, author Lisa Leopold states that teaching should be aimed at diversifying an approach and to be all inclusive of these four learning types (pg. 101). This same approach taken towards teaching should be applied towards learning. It would make sense to ensure that as learners, education and application should be tailored to meet specific