When a life threatening incident happens you can be scarred physically and live with stress. The perfect remedy for curing physical pain and stress is acupuncture. Acupuncture was used in ancient china by the Taoist and has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and chronic pain. Acupuncturist believe that pain and illness result from the disruption of the energy flow in the body and use various methods such as needling and herbal remedies to return the body back into its natural balance.
The expected salary of an acupuncturist has an average of $43,000-$60,000 dollars a year. It can also be more or less, it all depends on 6 key factors. How many patients acupuncturist see each day, how many days worked, how much money charged per patient, the state they are practicing in, the amount of employees and staff, and whether or not they have a partnership with a business. The working conditions of an acupuncturist are working regular hours depending on their need of service, work in health centers, private clinics, or at home. Benefits of an acupuncture job is the work load isn`t too much and it has good pay. There is only one special challenge and it is making sure a patient doesn`t get injured during the process which is very serious.
It takes 3-4 years to train to become an acupuncturist. Classes include needle technique, herbal medicine, acupuncture points, and biomedicine. After getting the degree students must do an apprentice program to get some practice in the real world. After that Acupuncturist trainees must get certified by the Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) before they can do any business on their own. To get certified by the NCCAOM you must have 40,000 hours of apprentice training and pass a series of exams. The best way to prepare before entering the field of acupuncture is to ensure you graduate from high school, because without a high school diploma you can`t go for a degree. Having a optimistic and