Vending machines should be allowed on every campus. There should be a vending machine in every school because it’s been proven that more students pay attention, learn better, and stay awake in class when they aren’t hungry. Less students go home sick/come to school more often, when they eat a healthy, filling breakfast and lunch. Most students will participate in class when they aren’t hungry, which will result in better grades. With vending machines in schools, more students and teachers will get the food they need to be successful in school. Some students get bored in class and use a vending machine as an excuse to get out of class. Vending machines can be very helpful on a school
Vending machines should be allowed on every campus. There should be a vending machine in every school because it’s been proven that more students pay attention, learn better, and stay awake in class when they aren’t hungry. Less students go home sick/come to school more often, when they eat a healthy, filling breakfast and lunch. Most students will participate in class when they aren’t hungry, which will result in better grades. With vending machines in schools, more students and teachers will get the food they need to be successful in school. Some students get bored in class and use a vending machine as an excuse to get out of class. Vending machines can be very helpful on a school