Ten Weeks to a Better Marriage Relationship
Ten Weeks to a Better Marriage Relationship Part 1: Expectations Part 2: Fighting Fairly Part 3: Work on Your Listening Skills Part 4: Financial Concerns Part 5: Conflicting Chores Part 6: Marriage Sexuality Part 7: Cinema Therapy Part 8: Get to Know One Another Better Part 9: Celebrate Your Coupling Part 10: Take the Dialogue Challenge
Marriage relationships need fine tuning from time to time. Even couples in great marriages can find themselves taking one another for granted or feeling in a bit of a rut. Over the next ten weeks, this series of articles will lead the two of you through steps that could enhance your marital relationship.
Talk About Your Expectations
Unrealistic Expectations Have to be Faced everyone has expectations. However, unrealistic expectations will end up being direct paths to disappointment and unhappiness in your marriage. These include having false expectations, believing in the myths about marriage, thinking that someone else can make you happy, trying to read one another's mind, wanting to do everything together, and wanting to have a perfect marriage. When these are not identified or verbalized, they can create great barriers in your marriage. Hopefully, your expectations will include being able to lovingly resolve conflicts, to appreciate your differences as individuals, to respect and cherish one another, and to be able to discuss values and priorities.
Having unrealistic expectations of marriage can bring a couple to the point of wanting to call it quits. Expectations need to be verbalized with one another.
Expectations can lead to Disappointment
Is your marriage on the brink of divorce? Does the grass look greener on the other side of the fence? Are you disappointed because your marriage isn't what you expected it to be? Do you think other marriages don't experience boredom, loneliness, cheating, or lack