Is the problem behavior related to the curriculum or instruction?
a. I feel that the problem is related to the instruction. Vickie needs to use a variety of teaching styles instead of relying on her work packets.
2. How can the curriculum be modified to be more child-centered, interesting, and meaningful to the student?
a. I feel that if Vickie moved away from worksheets and tailored her instruction to her students, everyone would benefit. Vickie could pull students interests into her lessons by including them in examples or picking text that goes with the classes interests.
3. How can more student choice be incorporated into the curriculum?
a. If Vickie were to change her curriculum, she could still use the packets but give the students the option to work through them or not. If a student needs more practice, then they can grab a packet and work through some pages. This also starts to teach the students to be responsible for their own learning.
4. What interests or preferences or strengths of the student can be incorporated into the