American InterContinental University
May 8, 2011
This paper will be discussing a drug in which is used to rape someone and it is called the date rape drug as well as how it is given to someone. The discussion will involve the characteristics of the victim as well as give some statistical information regarding the amount of date rapes as well as the most frequent places where these kinds of crimes happen. There will be a discussion on how important it is to prosecute date rape crimes as well as the issues that are included for the prosecutor. Another discussion that will be in this paper will be the perception of the individual who has committed this crime. There will be various types of sexual assaults that will be discussed along with the different tactics used by the individual committing these horrific crimes. Finally, there will be recommendations provided in hopes of helping to determine the best suited actions for continuing with date rape cases.
Date rape is a sexual assault against another individual and in most cases these individuals are women and these assaults usually occur on a date or by an individual that the victim knows. This form of assault is forced upon the victim with no consent what so ever and most of these types of assaults involve violence. There are various types of sexual assaults and that includes stranger rape, statutory rape as well as spousal rape. The individual committing this rape will utilize different tactics such as secretly adding liquor to a women drink or even implying that they would like to go on a date in hopes of having something special with that woman. Victims of these types of crimes will in return suffer some overwhelming affects as well as some will begin to suffer from outbreaks of post traumatic symptoms. The dynamics amongst the criminal and the victim is an important factor in order to understand why and how relationship rapes occur. The viewpoint of
References: Department of Commerce. (2009). What is sexual assault? Retrieved from Curtis, D. (2004). What is acquaintance rape? Retrieved from Erdely, R.S. (2008). The date-rape ‘doctor’ they could not convict: 10 women charged him with drugging and sex attacks, but juries said no The National Center for Victims of Crime. (2011). Acquaintance rape. Retrieved from Women’s Justice Center. (2010). First line criminal justice advocacy. Retrieved from