The Japanese culture has a long history of animation and manga comics. They are very much into the daily lives of people from all age groups. They have benefited very well from the video game industry with their strong foundation of character production, graphic design, and storyline writing. In Europe they are weak in the video game industry compared to Japan and North America. Europe sees video games as a clear means to provide econmic growth opportunities for companies. Europe doesn't view video games as a negative creation to the their society even though they are aware how far behind the race they are compared to the US and Japan. Video games in their perspective is a beneifcial factor that can help build their enonomy. Video games are one of the largest entertainment industries in America. The question is not who plays, but what games, on what device and with whom. In fact, nearly half of the U.S. population 155 million people play video games, and four out of five households own a game-playing device according to Rich Taylor. Overall, video games are a $22.4 billion dollar industry. In America video games are a huge and growing hi-tech entertainment source. Games connect us, inspire us and bring us emotional experiences. They are ingrained in our culture. As they become more popular, games will continue to impact all aspects of society and stimulate …show more content…
Fifty-six percent of the most frequent gamers play with others and 54 percent play online in multiplayer mode at least weekly. About half of the most frequent game players say that video games help them connect with friends and family. He gets his facts from a report in Entertainment Software Association. This show that games have a big pro cause they allow us to come together. Values literacy: The assumption that comes from video games is that people arn't expericening life they are staying at home and not bettering themselves. People don't see playing video games as a good hobby because they are not experiencing the joys of life. Creating and playing video games gives society more to look forward us and brings different cultures, religions, and races together. Culturally video games are meeting mixed social commentary by members of society looking for a convenient scapegoat. The scientific facts stand at odds with the regulation hungry and the overzealous politicians. Of course there are games that are objectionable but we can't take a black and white view on an entire medium for the miscalculatons of some. Truth is that most studies come to the conclusion that games have more positive effects than not. Study after study shows that video games improve cognitive abilities, and even visual attention