Call of Duty... Pokemon. I stand that instead of banning violent video games, ban mental patients and kids (younger then the M rating). Many people have many studies that contradict others. Parents should not allow children to play video games if they have home work. If Call of Duty wants me to buy a gun (witch I can't) and go shoot some one, then wouldn't Mario want me to jump down pipes and smash Venus fly traps? Video games do not lead to obesity.
The reason why more kids are playing video games then before is because they have become more available. I go back to the parent. If the parent sees a decline in academics, social skills, and see an increase in isolation, then they could just stop the kid from playing video games.
And yes, if they do play online they could pick up on bad language and behavior. But, they will only say it if they want to. Most games that you could go online to play asks if you are over 13. Yes, they could lie.
When a kid starts up his game console, he always runs the risk of picking up the language and/or behavior. But when they start fighting, they are doing what they think is acceptable. The parent should be the one to censor what games the kids play. If an eight year old beats some guy up with a bat because of Grand Theft Auto, its the parents fault for letting him play it!
How does Call of Duty make you lose respect? If any thing, I've gained even more respect for past wars. It all comes down to Mentality. If you play
Call of Duty (or any shooting game) and it makes you want to go shoot some one, then you should not be playing video games at all. If you can't see that video games are fantasy, then why should you be playing them?
Parents should make there kids go outside once in a while. Yes, WiiFit is an good game for doing more then just button