Feminists suggest that domestic violence is a problem of patriarchy. In particular, research indicates that men's view that women have failed to be 'good' partners or mothers is often used to justify attacks or threats. These gendered expectations may be particularly reinforced is a woman goes out to work and earns more than her partner. Many boys and men are still brought up in traditional ways to believe that they should…
Men are genetically stronger and their hormonal differences lead them to commit more aggressive, violent crimes. Also, men tend to be less socialized and lack verbal skills. Because of this men tend to lean toward aggression to solve problems rather than talking to diffuse conflict (p 43.) This chapter also talks about age and that as a rule of thumb adolescents, at the age of 18, tend to commit more violent crimes than that of other ages because they are psychologically immature (p…
According to Torr’s and Swisher’s Violence Against Women, women still currently experience the dangers of domestic violence that many other psychologists and medical professionals have stated daily. In a male dominated world, women do not have the confidence or self-esteem to stand up for their rights and have a voice in government. Many girls and women from ages as low as under 12 to as high as 44 experience domestic violence during their lifetime in a ratio of 1:3 and only 20% of the women who are abused by their spouses report their incidents which have proven to be more dangerous than diseases, injuries, and wars (Torr and Swisher 110). Many reasons for men’s hostile behaviors towards women include the belief that males are the sole…
Doak focuses on the causes of domestic violence. Doak gives different causes for domestic violence such as: living in poverty, stress, depression, desperation, jealousy, and anger. However, much attention is devoted to the complex relationship between domestic violence and poverty. The writer uses the 1985 National Family Violence survey to show that serious physical acts of wife abuse are more likely to occur in poorer homes. The survey showed that families living at or below the poverty level had a rate of marital violence 500% greater than more affluent families. Doak has studied domestic violence for thirty years and is an author of social welfare; the article is academic peer-reviewed, so it is credible. I will use numbers from the survey taken in this article for my argument that poverty causes domestic violence.…
17. ^ a b Michael P. Johnson (1995). "Patriarchal Terrorism and Common Couple Violence: Two Forms of Violence against Women". Journal of Marriage and Family 57 (2): 283–294.doi:10.2307/353683. JSTOR 353683.…
Barnett, E. R., Pittman, C. R., Ragan, C., & Salus, M. K. (1980). Family violence: Intervention…
(2) There are previous research have attempted to reveal relative deprivation has significant influence on violence. The aim of this article is to find out that what is the relationship between low income, income inequality and domestic violence.…
The essay will briefly explore domestic violence between men and women and how it relates to crime rates; it will also explore how laws have demonstrated to be biased against gender and how it has recently shifted to make it a fairer procedure when sentencing men and women for homicide.…
Our culture has had an influence on individuals’ awareness and reactions, or lacking thereof, to incidents of domestic violence. The average individual has a conditioned brain to not associate normal feelings surrounding violence and harassment when a woman commits domestic violence against a man. One may actually find the situation comical at times. In relation to media, there is a low frequency of women hitting men or being the aggressor on television shows or movies. Based on the perception of domestic violence and the actual statistics of it, this culture is creating an environment with a major double-standard. Society is highly aware of violence from men towards other men yet when seeing violence from men towards women it is regarded as a serious matter, never comical or innocuous; it is seen as deadly. Therefore, the effect of this double-standard likely increases the chances for women to be violent in relationships while it is overlooked by the media, the general public and by activist who study the matter of domestic…
The article does a good job in explains what Domestic Violence is and how it’s a pattern that controls that one person that’s one-person exercises over another. It suggests the violence that can take form in Physical assault, psychological abuse, sexual assault and financially. Domestic Violence is the most common form of violence. It affects women across the life span from sex selective abortion of female fetuses to forced suicide and abuse, and is evident, to some degree, in every society in the world.…
• Personality Characteristics and Psychopathology – individuals who use violence against women have some sort of personality disorder or mental illness that might get in the way of otherwise normal inhibitions about using violence. – Those who engage in violent behavior are seen as sick individuals who are different from other people. – Focusing only on psychological factors tends to decrease the abuser’s responsibility for his actions.…
When women are trapped in violent marriages, abused, and overly under the control of their husbands, that consider a violence against women. I feel like the differences found in these cultural factors as mentioned above effects of socioeconomic variables, such as neighborhood disadvantage and low education and employment status, particularly for the perpetrators of violence against Filipino and African-American women. In addition, racial discrimination towards African-American men may lead to lessen access to resources and circumstances, causing tension and violence among African-American men. As an opinion, community and cultural context of violence between cultures especially African-American men have adopted alternative ways of utilizing their “manhood” because the traditional methods have been unreachable for them—establishing manhood includes violence. Every day violence that is seen as “not serious”: harassing girls in the street because of what she is wearing. Men can stop violence by expanding their minds regarding what violence looks like and be ethical. Sexuality education can contribute an appropriate factor for educating individuals especially students about sexual violence. As an example, differentiating between “good” and “bad” touch, learning how to express feelings, and to ask for help…
As the definition written by Sandra (2006, p. 6),” Intimate partner violence is a pervasive social problem that has devastating effects on all family members as well as on the larger community”. Intimate partner violence, or domestic violence is more well-known to the public written by Donnellan in 1999 based on the report of Women’s Aid Federation of England, is the physical, emotional, sexual or mental abuse of one person (usually a woman) by another, with whom they have or had an intimate relationship. In recent years, the problem of domestic violence is becoming more and more serious. From the figures researched by the NCH Action for Children (cited in Donnellan, 1999), the second most widespread reported violent crime belongs to Domestic violence. As early as in 1992, the British survey estimates that there are 530,000 assaults on women by male in the home annually and Department of Justice Statistics also shows that the incidence of intimate partner violence is about 1 million cases per year for women and 150,000 cases per year for men (Rennison and Welchans, 2000 cited in Sandra 2006 ). Although domestic violence is very complex crime including different family members play different kinds of victim or perpetrator, however, according to these figures showed which highlight the fact that women are more vulnerable to be the victims in this kind of crime, this essay will mainly focus on domestic violence against female. The essay will be fundamentally divided into four sections. To begin with, the first section will discuss the history about domestic violence against women from the factors of gender, race, and culture and announce the severity of the crime in the modern period.…
Family violence occurs in many forms; the most prominent are domestic violence, child abuse, and elder abuse. Family violence affects many persons at some point in their life and constitutes the majority of violent acts in our society. Family violence requires that a relationship exist between the parties before, during and after the incident of the family violence. Family violence differs within each family and is any act committed between family or household members, which are intended to result in physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or is a threat that place the person in fear of immediate physical harm or bodily injury.…
all (2005) look into how the earning income of the single mother may affect abuse in the relationship. Hornung et. all (1981) discovered in their study that women who work while in an abusive relationship are the least likely to experience psychological and physical abuse as well as life-threatening violence. Women who remain a housewife are the most likely to experience this. Gibson-Davis, et. all (2005) find that women who work outside the home are less likely to be victims of domestic violence. The increase of income into the relationship seems to decrease the chances of abuse as well but this can be misleading (Gibson-Davis, et. all 2005). One reason as to why the low-income women abuse study is misleading is because the more a woman works, the more she is away from her abuser. It would be almost impossible to determine if the decrease in abuse was due to an increase in money or a decrease in the time a woman has with her attacker. This is interesting because in the study done by Cubbins and Vannoy (2005), the income of the husband or male partner is not a strong factor in abuse whereas the women’s income seems to have a great effect. It becomes clear that income does not appear to be the most significant topic related to spousal…