I think that this statement is very negative, as it gives the impression that violence is the only way to solve things, and it is not.People need to talk about matters that concern them with the people that are causing the concerns, doing this wil make dealing with the problem of racism easier. The saying 'two wrongs don't make a right' is a very appropriate sayingto use in the issue of racism because racism towards people is wrong and so is violence. When one puts the two together, to deal with each other,it does not make the situation right.
In fact, it will make the situatin worse because it will cause resentment between the racist and the victim. There is a quote in the bible, Matthew 5 38-
39 where Jesus speaks about revenge. It reads, "You have heard that it was said, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But now I tell you do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If someone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too." What this means is, if someone hurts once, do not respond in a violent manner, turn the other cheek and let them do it again. It shows that Jesus was against violence. Gandhi said something similar: 'An eye for an eye and we shall all be blind'. Gandi meant that so mang people hurt other people that they would end up seriously hurt. Put this teaching into practise, if someone hurts you once let them do it a secong time is the message here. The other side to this statement is to agree that racists should be dealt with in a violent way. In some resects, this is correct because if people have the mentality to be racist towards another person, they need to be punished, and if violence fits this sort of punish mentment. People, whatever race they are have to choice to decide where they live. They deserve to feel comfortable in their home even if it is not where the majority of their race lives. No one has the right to speak badly about another human because of the colour of their skin.
They need violence to show them racism is unfair. Racism is somthing very personal to people as it shows what they believe in Some people prefer to deal with it in a violent manner, and others prefer ot deal with it in a more subtle way, for example a discusion. Every person is born into the world as a child of
God, whether they are black or white. It is unfair to discriminate against people because of the colour of their skin. Everyone is born equal. I have come to the conclusion that this statement is wrong, due to its negative approach.
Violence does not solve anything, and even though racism is wrong, violence is just as wrong. Gandhi and Martin Luther King are people in the past who have achieve d a lot to cancel out racism without turning to violence. Although it took them longer to achieve it, in the end less people were hurt so violence does not pay off.