Riordan Manufacturing's Current Assets are at $14,555,092 although the current liabilities stand at $6,974,094. The Net profit after taxes stood at $2,038,547 and out of that the cash on hand is at 1,938,354. The company's focus in on Six Sigma, leading edge R&D and exceeding ISO 9000 standards defining the attitude and abilities of Riordan Manufacturing. Riordan is an industry leader in polymer materials and provides solutions to the customer's challenges. The R&D department can be the foremost in the industry.
IPO ApproachThe Riordan Manufacturing must consider installing an enterprise system that will improve the company financial accounting system. Selling of shares using the IPO and going public opens the company to increased observation. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), state regulators, and the financial community, such as brokerage houses. The Riordan Manufacturing will need to make regular reports to the shareholders and to the security regulators. Presently,
References: iordan Manufacturing (2009). Riordan Manufacturing Intranet. Retrieved November 15, 2009from, A., Martin, J., Petty J. and Scott, D. (2005). Financial management: Principles and application( 10th ed.) New Jersey. Prentice Hall. Ideacafe, Retrieved on November 15, 2009 from