Typology of attractions (Swarbrooke, 2002)
• Natural environment
• Human-made (other than tourism)
• Human-made (for tourism)
• Special events
WHS Definition: ‘attract visitors to view buildings that were not originally designed for this purpose, and due to the historical significance of the site can rarely be adapted to accommodate visitor flows (Jones et al, 1998). Examples include Temples, churches, A-Ma Temple, St Pauls Ruins, State homes etc.
Management techniques are put in place so that they can protect these WHS in the future. Often Hard management techniques have to be taken to enforce rules.
Natural Attraction Definition: Places that were not initially tourist attractions but over time has become one. Examples include national parks, Great Barrier Reef, forests. Usually soft management techniques are used in these locations as it hard to have control over such large areas.
Interpretation definition - Interpretation is an educational activity that reveals meaning and relationships through the use of objects, by direct experience, and by instructive media, rather than simply to communicate facts and figures. Freeman Tilden 1977
“Through interpretation comes understanding, through understanding comes appreciation, and through appreciation comes protection” F. Tilden, 1977 in Eagles & McCool, 2002
Full interpretation is when you told about everything there is to know about a site, some writers argue that this is not always the best way. Some things are better left unknown to the tourists own mind. This can depend on tourist typologies and behaviours.
Why is Visitor Satisfaction important?
Visitor management is used to address negative impacts which may be affecting a site. This is done to both observe the site but also to enhance visitor knowledge and satisfaction. It was initially created for natural sites.
Other reasons are:
Enhance visitor experience
Encourage higher spending