1. Task Description And Introduction 2 2. Vodafone 2 3. TV Commercial “Where are you?” - Description 2 4. TV Commercial “Where are you?” - Analysis 4 5. TV Commercial “Where are you?” - Cons And Pros 9 6. Outlook 14 7. Conclusion 15 8. References 15 8.1 Picture Sources 17
1. Task Description And Introduction
Advertising is the connecting factor of a company to its costumer. It is also the communication between those two sectors. In 2011 almost 30 billion Euros were spend on advertisement in Germany. Compared to the year before this is an increase of 1.3 percent. The net earnings also increased by 1.0 percent to almost 19 billion Euros in 2011. TV operators gained 3981 million Euros and are the top sector (ZAW 2012). This shows that advertisement is still increasing in importance in our daily life. We face advertisement every day. Watching TV comes along with watching advertisement. Approximately 15 minutes per hour are filled with commercials about cars, beauty products, toys, groceries and many more. Furthermore TV commercials featuring phone companies are also very usual. Vodafone is one of these phone companies.
How good is Vodafone’s advertisement campaign shown in TV in 2010? In this paper we focus on one of Vodafone’s TV commercials in Germany and examine it by describing, analyzing and evaluating it.
The data used in this paper is from literature research and from reliable sources from the Internet.
2. Vodafone
Vodafone (Germany) is one of the biggest telecommunication providers in Europe. The company employs 12.000 people and its turnover is almost nine billion Euros. Vodafone offers fixed line and mobile telephony as well as Internet services to a total of 37 million business and private customers in Germany. The company is part of the Vodafone Group with 404 million customers worldwide therefore it is also part of one of the biggest providers in the world (Vodafone Deutschland 2012).