Customer Satisfaction with Network Performance of BSNL and AIRTEL Operating In Gwalior Division (M.P.)
Dr. R. C. Upadhyaya, 2Vashundhra Sharma
Prof.Commerce Department, GOVT.K.R.G.College, Jiwaji University, Gwalior (M.P.) 2 P.hd Scholar, Jiwaji University, Gwalior (M.P.)
Abstract: In the today’s competitive world communication plays a very important role. Communication has become an integral part of the growth, success and efficiency of any business. This is the technology that gives a person the power to communicate anytime, anywhere. Due to advancement in technology, now communication becomes easy and faster. In this research paper, special emphasis has been laid over the comparative analysis of telecom companies AIRTEL and BSNL by using primary sources of data in Gwalior division of madhyapradesh . For the completion of efficient research work, descriptive and exploratory research design has been used which further conclude that BSNL is having weak Network performance as compared to Airtel . Trends of previous 5 years in Gwalior division have shown that BSNL Company has slowly deteriorated its position. Keywords: Wireline, Wireless, Broadband , DOT, MTNL, VSNL I. Introduction:
The telecom sector reforms were undertaken in three phases. The first phase began in the 80’s, when private manufacturing of customer promise equipment was given a go-ahead in 1984. A proliferation of individual STD/ISD/PCO network also took place throughout the country by way of private individual franchises. Maharashtra Telephone Nigam (MTNL) was created out of the department of telecommunication (DOT) to handle the sectors of Mumbai and Delhi respectively. A high powered telecom commission was set up in 1989. Later Videsh Sanchar Nigam (VSNL) became the international service provider catering to telecom services originating from
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