B. Introduce topic and motivate audience: Today I will be persuading you to volunteer, specifically for the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization.
C. Establish credibility: I can talk to about this topic today because I have spent hours researching various aspects of the organization, volunteerism, and conducting interviews with business owners and the executive director of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of the 7 Rivers region.
D. Preview main points: Today I will convince you to volunteer because I will prove the need, …show more content…
Example: Non-Profits such and the Big Brothers Big Sisters rely on volunteers. The reason for this is because they lack the necessary resources to have every position be a paid one. Due to this they look for people to volunteer their skills, knowledge, and time. The skills you can donate to them are endless, and can be anywhere from helping with HR work, joining the resource committee, or even becoming a board member. ii. Testimony: During an interview with Greg Voss he stated that there is always a need for volunteers and will take any help they can get. They are also looking for younger board members, ones that are in college. If they have these younger board members it will allow them to formulate fundraiser ideas geared towards a younger demographic. iii. Stat: The volunteer rate for the nation in 2015 according the the Bureau of Labor statistics was 24.9%. Now this class usually has about 20 people attending and out of those 20 only 5 would volunteer. I want you to imagine if we could increase that number to say 50%. That means 5 more people would be volunteering, 5 more families would receive help or 5 more at risk youth could benefit from this. That’s only from this class room, what if that could be a nationwide