Doc are for the proposal of marine reserve. The creation of a marine reserve means that the management of the sea and coastline falls to them and so they can utilize the area as a marine reserve, manage the land to sea flow and allow the set up of commercial gear hire and tours. Waiheke’s Northern coastline is an ideal location as it combines much pristine and diverse environment including reef networks, sandy beaches and offshore habitats. A great location for a DoC marine reserve, an area which is ‘unique and in National interest to protect’.
The Hauraki Gulf Forum are strongly for the proposal of a marine reserve. In their report they say that “most of the indicators in the report suggest that the Gulf is experiencing ongoing environmental degradation, and resources are continuing to be lost or suppressed at environmentally low levels”. They also said that they do not fully know the effect of different activities causing degradation caused by humans and so the need for much more marine protection is needed in their eyes. Their report has outlined the dire situation of marine