Stephanie L. Ferguson, PhD, RN, FAAN
-Health care delivery systems are evolving and transforming rapidly. Nurses will need new leader- ship and policy skills to meet the challenge of ensur- ing patient care safety and quality health care deliv- ery. Nurses bring a unique perspective to health care policy development because of their educa- tional training, professional values and ethics, advocacy skills, and experiential background. Sig- nificant progress has occurred over the years toward advancing nursing’s presence, role, and influence in the development of health care policy.
However, more nurses need to learn how to identify issues strategically; work with decision makers; understand who holds the power in the workplace, communities, state and federal level organizations; and understand who controls the resources for health care services. In health care policy development, nurses are essential in ensuring quality health care that is accessible and affordable for all women and their infants. More nurses need to actively work as leaders in the health policy arena. JOGNN, 30,
546-551 ; 2001.
Keywords: Activist-Health policy develop- ment-Nurses in politics
Accepted: March 2001
Nurses bring a unique perspective to health care policy development because of their educational training, professional values and ethics, advocacy skills, and experiential background. Significant progress has occurred over the years in advancing nursing’s presence, role, and influence in the health care policy development arena. Nurses have historically been active in policy development and politics. Examples of nurse leaders include Flo- rence Nightingale, Sojourner Truth, Lillian Wald, and Margaret Sanger. These women played an extra- ordinary and significant role in health care policy development and women’s and infants’ health.
References: Advocacy Institute. (1993). Jump starting a health care access coalition Cohen, S., Leavitt, J., Leonhardt, M., & Mason, D. (1998). Political analysis and strategy Ferguson, S. [ 1996). Coalition building: A community-based strategy to increase access to quality health care for Longest, B. (1998). Health policymaking in the United States (2nd ed.) Mason, D., & Leavitt, J. (1998). Policy and politics: A frame- work for action Research & Ethics, College of Nursing and Health Science, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, MS 3C4,